Monthly Archives: March 2014

10 more #intranet features that really should exist

Here at Intranetizen we started thinking about the intranet features we’d love to see, but as yet haven’t seen the light of day. An hour later, we published our first ten but with so many left, we knew a second (and maybe third) instalment would [read more]

10 Intranet features that really should exist

We learned yesterday that JP Morgan have an online resignation tool as part of their employee engagement programme. We expect there’s more to it than a big red “sod this, I’ve had enough, I’m off” button on the homepage. But it got us thinking: as [read more]

The Lowdown on Enterprise Social Graphing

Last week Microsoft announced ‘Office Graph’ – part of project Oslo – promising to surface the content and files people and their colleagues are most engaged with and that thus deserve the most attention. But how can we tell if the promise of Microsofts shiniest [read more]

The future looks like Oslo?

Borgen, The Bridge, novels by Stieg Larsson – it appears that the whole world has Scandimania. Last night, tech behemoth Microsoft jumped on the bandwagon, announcing their new app Oslo at this years SharePoint Conference (twitter hashtag SPC14). In a peculiarly Philomena Cunk style question, [read more]