
So long 2016

There are two choices for the last post of the year. Some years we’ve opted for the ‘predictions’ post: a sharp look at the year ahead, using our deep industry knowledge to draw attention to the key trends for 2017. As Niels Bohr said, “Predictions are difficult, particularly about the future” so the only predictions we’re going to make today is to say that 60% of predictions will never come true and that in December 2017, there will be a new glut of predictions posts.

So, we’re going for option two: a self-satisfying self-promotion with a look back at the top 10 Intranetizen posts for 2016. Editorially, we’re dressing this up as a content service but wise, long-term followers will know that this is simply laziness on our part, and an excuse to serve up old content a second time.

  1. Join the intranet community on Slack – In February we invited people to join us on Slack and see what the fuss was about.  Today around 75 intranet people, from all corners of the world, use the community for chatting, occasionally talking Intranets and playing rock, paper, scissors with a bot.
  2. Intranets are products not projects – We called out that Intranet manager roles look a lot like product manager roles, but don’t get as much kudos.  People seemed to agree and this post had some great comments.
  3. 8 intranet bots that need to exist – Chat bots were one of 2016’s ‘big things’. We suggested a few ways they could help employees.
  4. Intranet management for dummies – This post was born from a late night online rant on bad decisions, bad management and politics. It all rang a little too true for many and spurred some collective Intranet woe therapy.
  5. Intranet naming competitions – Boaty McBoatface was Posty McInspirationface.
  6. Social amplification: the DW tool you’re missing – Employee advocacy and Intranets are a great fit with big benefits that many seem to have missed. We highlighted the benefits of these tools but argued those adopting them will need to up their content game.
  7. Does your company want in or out of the social intranet? – Is your intranet any good?  What if you gave people an in/out vote on it?  Would you get the result you want? (we were topical this year, weren’t we?)
  8. What’s in a name: analysing job titles from intranet now – @blamb guest wrote this one.  Some insight from the IntranetNow attendee list.
  9. Enterprise collaboration Techfest review – We’ve reviewed a bunch of events in the past. We also have a list of events happening in 2017
  10. Vendor Profile: Invotra – We reviewed a number of products in 2016 too. Introva got the most clicks this year, but not by much. Take a look at the rest of vendor reviews

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support in 2016. Writing this blog is a collective effort for the four of us and sometimes, work, life and other distractions get in the way of our sharing. Your views, comments, social sharing, conference “hellos” and other recognition are the fuel we need to do more.

And we will. Merry Christmas, and see you for more in 2017.

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  1. Bridie Ward

    Thanks for another year of informative articles! Any chance you could sign me up to the Slack community?

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