Comment & Analysis
When organisations engage us to deliver communication and collaboration programmes, one of the key benefits they’re looking for is to enable their organisations to better Work Out Loud. That is, to purposefully make your work visible so that it can be committed to corporate memory, [read more]
In 1993 I had a custom-built computer. And it was great. I could choose the 386 processor and 16MB RAM to meet my expectations and budget. And it suited me perfectly. As I watched photos load a line of pixels at a time and it [read more]
The publication this week of the 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer report provides fascinating insight for HR and Communications teams with implications for digital workplace professionals. This year, Trust at Work is the overarching theme, coinciding with the crowning of “My Employer” has the most trusted [read more]
The government has a new policy paper about its vision for digital services in the NHS and It’s well worth reading The future of healthcare: our vision for digital, data and technology in health and care, published in October, is a positive and ambitious starting [read more]
Talk of Artificial Intelligence – or AI – is everywhere. The rapid development of AI promises a future where bots will run routine tasks better and cheaper than humans. This, in turn, will transform what we currently call the digital workplace into one where people [read more]
I’ve been working with the other three Intranetizens for over five years now as a virtual team, but with two of us now working as independent consultants we’ve finally had the chance to practice what we preach and use online collaboration tools to deliver projects [read more]
Earlier this week, Automattic — the company that owns the WordPress content management system — closed their beautiful San Francisco office after seven years of use. With just a handful of employees using an office space designed for hundreds, it didn’t make sense to keep [read more]
Yesterday saw the publication of the Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Internet Trends 2017 report by Mary Meeker and to save you some of the time involved in reading all 355 pages of it, we’ve trawled through to find the enterprise story for intranet, digital workplace and [read more]
At the start of this week Jive, one of the dominant enterprise social vendors, agreed to a buyout. While analysts had been predicting an acquisition as the most likely future direction for Jive for some time, the buyer and the timing caught many by surprise. [read more]
In my office, the company gives you cake. It’s a perfunctory cake but served up daily, it keeps employees reasonably happy and productive. Even though employees get cake every day, they barely notice it and never sing its praises. They probably think that everyone gets [read more]
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[…] memory fades, but it involved alcohol. I remember discussing with Luke Mepham of Intranetizen that someone should put on an independent intranet-focused conference. It
If you’ve ever become caught up in an intranet project deadlock between HR, IT, Comms or some other part of a business, you’ll know that […]
Pick the right intranet solution and you can still configure/extend without building from scratch, but with less risk/effort (although always some element of trade off […]