Comment & Analysis


Should you buy or build your intranet?

In 1993 I had a custom-built computer. And it was great. I could choose the 386 processor and 16MB RAM to meet my expectations and budget. And it suited me perfectly. As I watched photos load a line of pixels at a time and it [read more]

Dear NHS Digital, We Need To Talk About Intranets

The government has a new policy paper about its vision for digital services in the NHS and It’s well worth reading The future of healthcare: our vision for digital, data and technology in health and care, published in October, is a positive and ambitious starting [read more]

A cautionary story about cake

In my office, the company gives you cake. It’s a perfunctory cake but served up daily, it keeps employees reasonably happy and productive. Even though employees get cake every day, they barely notice it and never sing its praises. They probably think that everyone gets [read more]