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An #Intranet Users Charter

While every intranet will differ in functionality and design based on the needs and culture of the business it serves, we can’t pretend our intranets exist in isolation. Our users spend the majority of time on other sites, many of them very good ones. They [read more]

Five reasons why carousels have no place on your intranet

Carousels are great news for the stressed out intranet manager who wants to keep their stakeholders happy by telling them their story or campaign is on the front page. What they’re not very good for is communicating a message to users.  Here are five reasons [read more]

Are you attending #IIC13?

Tomorrow the Intranetizen four (Jon, Luke, Sharon and Dana) will be off to Interact’s Interaction Intranet Conference. Same with last year, this is the only year where the Intranetizen team is on the speaking bill. Are you attending this year’s conference? What are you most [read more]

Intranetizen explained

We often get asked what the long term plan for intranetizen is. Tongue-in-cheek, we suspect a few consultants are slightly worried we might sneak on to their patch! But it’s a great question and one that we had struggled to answer. Recently, the team gathered [read more]

It’s about the personality, not the role

There’s a never ending debate on where internal communications or the intranet team should sit within an organisation. Should it be in HR? In Communications? Should intranet teams sit in IT? It has been debated in conferences, workshops and even between the Intranetizen team. What [read more]