Tag Archives: Digitalworkplace
In November, the BBC ran a story about Pivotal Software who start their day with a team huddle at 09:06. In it, Rob Mee their Chief Executive Officer discusses some of the thinking behind their precise timings and in doing so highlights an obvious truth: [read more]
Over a year after the UK government launched their campaign to encourage more people to work from home during the Olympics, London Mayor Boris Johnson has gone decidedly off-message. In a speech to Olympic workers last week, he derided home working during the games as a ‘skivers [read more]
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[…] memory fades, but it involved alcohol. I remember discussing with Luke Mepham of Intranetizen that someone should put on an independent intranet-focused conference. It
If you’ve ever become caught up in an intranet project deadlock between HR, IT, Comms or some other part of a business, you’ll know that […]
Pick the right intranet solution and you can still configure/extend without building from scratch, but with less risk/effort (although always some element of trade off […]